Thursday, March 3, 2011

Album Covers

Here are a few more album covers I really love. This time I'm going to pick out of records I have here at the house.

Awesome band from right here in C-U. Great watercolor and typography.

There will always be a (large) place in my heart for Willie Nelson. What a great album, and the use of mixed media (I think it's a photo with paint or ink on some parts) is crazy looking up close.

I don't know why I love this album cover so much. It's simply beautiful beyond words to me.

Ok, so this is technically a photo, but I love the design that the organic moss stuff creates out of its own texture. Really weird album.

Who cares if you flat out steal an idea from the King of Rock and Roll as long as you pull it off? The Clash one upped the heck out of him on this one. It's PERFECT.

THE COLORS!!!!!!!!!!!! So awesome. Sure it's not a perfect design, but the beauty here lies in its imperfection and sheer attitude.

Quite possibly the greatest album art of all time. Andy Warhol's graphic designs were ingenious. The end.

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